Green black checkered(pattern will vary) ADOPT Eddie! Eddie's super power is his desire to please you! He wants to be your right-hand pup and works hard to earn that position by being a good listener.
(read the rest of Eddie’s story in the "Meet Eddie Section" below.
LovePaws Eddie (LovePaws PG adoptable)
Bow Ties are hand-made and should not subjected to harsh pulling or other rough handling. Bow Ties are for outer wear only and should not be ingested. In case of ingestion notify proper health authority as soon as possible if you suspect life threatening issues. Purchaser releases Bow Tie Atticus from any legal action and does not hold Bow Tie Atticus responsible should a bow tie become ingested. Non-toxic hot melt adhesives used and defined as not hazardous by code 29 CFR1910.1200/Conforms to ASTM D-4236-88. Bow Ties can be gently cleaned with damp cloth.
Eddie-at-a-glance: 4-1/2 year old, male, neutered Boxer mix, 46 lbs., up-to-date on core vaccines, microchipped and heartworm negative. Eddie takes monthly flea/tick/heart worm prevention. Eddie is a sweet guy just longing for your love! Eddie came to LOVEPAWS when his loving family was no longer able to afford to care for him or his Shih Tzu borther, so we took them both in. His brother was adopted, now it's Eddie's turn!
Eddie's super power is his desire to please you! He wants to be your ri