Orange back ground with darker orange cannabis leaves (Willie was abandoned in a strange place and then rescued by lady who is now called mom. His story as told by him: I'm Big Willie! I thought I belonged to a family once - but I was wrong. Those hoomans kept me a little while and then packed me up in the car and dropped me off in a place I didn't recognize! Now why would they do that? I'm a good, friendly boy and now I'm an awesome big brother. I was so scared I couldn't keep my meowth shut! The whole neighborhood was trying to figure out who I belonged to I was so loud. I was still crying when I saw a hooman bring yummy smelling bowls of FOOD out to her other kitties. I helped myself, to the food, and then through her front door. I never left. Now, I inspire my mom and dress up to go on walks. She says that Medical Marijuana helps her get outside to enjoy her day - and I'm all for that! So I'm wearing my support in every black cat's favorite color - Orange! keep rescuing! (THANKS WILLIE)
Bow Ties are hand-made and should not subjected to harsh pulling or other rough handling. We do not recommend daily wear. Bow Ties are for outer wear only and should not be ingested. In case of ingestion notify proper health authority as soon as possible if you suspect life threatening issues. Purchaser releases Bow Tie Atticus from any legal action and does not hold Bow Tie Atticus responsible should a bow tie become ingested. Non-toxic hot melt adhesives used and defined as not hazardous by co